Densmore's Papago Music

A collection of songs of the Tohono Oʼodham people (formerly known as the Papago), collected by Frances Densmore in 1920–21 and published as her 1929 Papago Music. The songs were digitally encoded by Daniel Shanahan and Eva Shanahan.

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Frances Densmore (collector), Daniel Shanahan (encoder), Eva Shanahan (encoder)
Bas Cornelissen (additional metadata)
Shanahan & Shanahan, 2014
Densmore, 1929
Publication preview incorrect page numbers

The publication preview links sometimes point to wrong page numbers, because the seq parameter in the HathiTrust library does not correspond directly to page numbers.

papago0011Song of Coyote After the FloodDensmore, 1929, p. 18legends3/8, 2/82c154
papago0022Song of Elder Brother After the FloodDensmore, 1929, p. 19legends2/4, 3/4861f2
papago0033Song of Elder Brother After He Had Created the SpiritsDensmore, 1929, p. 20legends2/469db1
papago0044Song of Elder Brother After He Had Created the Wind and CloudsDensmore, 1929, p. 20legends3/4, 2/4d0f02
papago0055Song of Earth Magician when Disappearing in the GroundDensmore, 1929, p. 21legends2/4, 3/43ea15
papago0066Song of Brown Buzzard After Killing Elder BrotherDensmore, 1929, p. 22legends2/4, 3/4c448c
papago0077Song of Elder Brother After Returning to LifeDensmore, 1929, p. 22legends2/4, 3/4a070b
papago0088Song Concerning the Talking TreeDensmore, 1929, p. 23legends2/4, 3/483286
papago0099Song Before Emerging from Ashes HillDensmore, 1929, p. 24legends2/4, 3/44e7c4
papago01010Song After Emerging from Ashes HillDensmore, 1929, p. 25legends3/4, 2/41dbbf
papago01111It is Raven MountainDensmore, 1929, p. 26legends2/4, 3/4388c6
papago01212White Feathers Along the Edge of the WorldDensmore, 1929, p. 27legends5/8, 2/4, 3/4, 3/8378aa
papago01313I Have Been in This World a Long TimeDensmore, 1929, p. 28legends2/4, 3/401be9
papago01414Song With Which Two Boys Killed Their GrandmotherDensmore, 1929, p. 29legends3/4a0ba0
papago01515The World Would Burn Without the RainDensmore, 1929, p. 30legends3/4, 2/4806c5
papago01616Song After the Inhabitants of Casa Grande Were KilledDensmore, 1929, p. 31legends3/4, 2/4185f2
papago01717Song That Gave Woman the Strength to Carry the Burden BasketDensmore, 1929, p. 32legends2/4, 3/4e7f0e
papago01818Song of Brown Buzzard After Removing His ScalpDensmore, 1929, p. 33legends3/4, 2/42daa4
papago01919See My Scalp Hanging on a PoleDensmore, 1929, p. 34legends2/4, 3/406146
papago02020Am I an Eagle?Densmore, 1929, p. 37legends4/8, 5/8, 3/8fb0de
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Densmore, Frances. 1929. Papago Music. Bulletin 90 of the Bureau of American Ethnology, Smitsonian Institution. Washington, U.S.A.: Government Printing Office. Hathi Trust Google Worldcat
Shanahan, Daniel, and Eva Shanahan. 2014. “The Densmore Collection of Native American Songs: A New Corpus for Studies of Effects of Geograpy, Language and Social Function on Folk Song.” In Proceedings for the 13th International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition, 206–8. Seoul.

A catalogue of folk music datasets for computational ethnomusicology

Copyright Bas Cornelissen
Music Cognition Group & clclab
ILLC, University of Amsterdam

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