Densmore's Pueblo Music

A collection of 82 folksongs from several Pueblo peoples: Acoma, Isleta, Cochiti and Zuni. The songs were mostly collected by Frances Densmore between 1928 and 1940 and published in her 1957 Pueblo Music. Digital encoding by Daniel and Eva Shanahan.

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Frances Densmore (author), Daniel Shanahan (encoder), Eva Shanahan (encoder)
Bas Cornelissen (additional metadata)
Shanahan & Shanahan, 2014
Densmore, 1957

Copyright 2014 Daniel and Eva Shanahan


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pueblo011Creation or Beginning SongDensmore, 1957, p. 5Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...ba7a1
pueblo022First Raingod SongDensmore, 1957, p. 6Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...a6042
pueblo033Song When Setting Up Iatiku's AltarDensmore, 1957, p. 6Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...74d69
pueblo044Hunter's Prayer SongDensmore, 1957, p. 8Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...56f5e
pueblo055Song to the Wild AnimalsDensmore, 1957, p. 8Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...507e4
pueblo066Song to the BirdsDensmore, 1957, p. 9Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...e31c3
pueblo077Song When Going for a Drink of MedicineDensmore, 1957, p. 10Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...3bc65
pueblo088Kasewat, Matted Hair or Wig SongDensmore, 1957, p. 11Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...50441
pueblo099Song of Brave Man's DanceDensmore, 1957, p. 12Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...268fb
pueblo1010Song of Ouwe DanceDensmore, 1957, p. 13Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...493c2
pueblo1111Game SongDensmore, 1957, p. 14Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...6ab0e
pueblo1212Agochudi' SongDensmore, 1957, p. 15Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...f5c78
pueblo1313Ashiya SongDensmore, 1957, p. 16Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...4e5aa
pueblo1414Corn-grinding SongDensmore, 1957, p. 17Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...e8613
pueblo1515Song Telling Where Maidens Are Grinding CornDensmore, 1957, p. 18Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...117ad
pueblo1616Deer and Antelope SongDensmore, 1957, p. 19Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...6633a
pueblo1717Hunting SongDensmore, 1957, p. 21Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...ee686
pueblo1818Song Concerning the Water Used in CeremoniesDensmore, 1957, p. 22Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...57155
pueblo1919Mother's Song to a BabyDensmore, 1957, p. 24Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...e0c54
pueblo2020Song Addressed to Medicine BowlDensmore, 1957, p. 26Acoma Pueblo, New Mexico, U...connected with the treatmen...19d05
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Densmore, Frances. 1957. Music of Acoma, Isleta, Cochiti, and Zuñi Pueblos. Bulletin 165 of the Bureau of American Ethnology, Smitsonian Institution. Washington, U.S.A.: Government Printing Office. Hathi Trust Google Worldcat
Shanahan, Daniel, and Eva Shanahan. 2014. “The Densmore Collection of Native American Songs: A New Corpus for Studies of Effects of Geograpy, Language and Social Function on Folk Song.” In Proceedings for the 13th International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition, 206–8. Seoul.

A catalogue of folk music datasets for computational ethnomusicology

Copyright Bas Cornelissen
Music Cognition Group & clclab
ILLC, University of Amsterdam

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